In this post I want to talk about Enos but not the normal things about Enos. I want to focus on a short little statement snuck into a verse. I had not ever noticed this amazing one liner until my most recent read through of Enos. The line I want to focus on, and really really loved this most recent time through, is found in verse 12 of Enos it says "And it came to pass that after I had prayed AND labored with all diligence, the Lord said unto me: I will grant unto thee according to thy desires, because of they faith."(Emphasis added) AND that one word a word that I'm sure has always been there although its sneaky enough i had not really noticed it before. That one word AND teaches such an amazing principle about the power of prayer as well as how to get an answer to prayer.
For Enos he received a remission of his sins. After that he wanted everyone to experience the same things he had. He asked for that then he writes verse 12. For Enos it wasn't enough for him to just ask The Lord wanted to know if he really wanted the other people to feel that way. The Lord wants to see "Real Intent". It wasn't enough just to ask you have to show. Recently I have really been pondering and thinking about how I could make my personal prayers more meaningful. I actually prayed about prayer, and then I read Enos and realized that real sincere prayer is not all in the way you are asking. It is also the way you act that matters(Real Intent). (I have always thought that real intent was just an intent to act on the answer but maybe real intent is also a willingness to act so you may receive an answer). Would your parents give you anything you wanted no matter how ridiculous the request. Mine wouldn't. They would say no, because it might be great now but not in the long run (parents are way good at seeing the big picture,something I wish I would have learned sooner,when you don't). So they tell you no or why don't you earn it. Heavenly Father He is the same way. He could give us anything we wanted but just like our earthly parents He sees a much bigger picture and knows when to say no and when to say...if you really want this "Go for it". That is where action comes in. We get the blessings by action and that is when we get to grow. I realized I can ask for something all I want but if I really want to be able to have my prayers answered I need to do a little work. Lemons don't just magically become lemonade it takes a little work. I think prayer works the same way. Why is it like that? Why do we have to do anything at all. Because life it is about the learning and growing and we don't learn without experience. In life who would get the job when 2 people have the same education the person with experience or the person with none? The person with the experience almost always will. We need to be the best we can be. We need to have experience. That can happen only if we act. Action leads to our growth.
Prayer is not Passive prayer is action driven. I know that as we each allow our lives to be driven by action based prayer we will see great blessings and happiness come to us. I know prayers are answered because of faith and I know that Enos's prayer was answered by that very power. My life changes everyday because I pray. Those I teach change because they receive answers to prayer and decided to act. Prayer is amazing power. It can get you through the good times and the bad. Do it everyday and be willing to act. It will make all the difference in your life I know it. I've seen it.We can have all our Questions answered if we have faith and if we are willing to do a little work. How grateful I am for that amazing blessing and truth of The Gospel!