Christmastime is a wonderful season full of family, fun and presents. But how often are we so carried away with the temporal things of the world that we forget the real meaning of Christmas? Do we remember the Christ in Christmas? President Monson has said..."To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only drop the last syllable and it becomes the Spirit of Christ."(Ensign, Dec. 1995) This year as we celebrate and remember Christ we can remember that Christ is the greatest gift we will ever be given.
Discover the Gift, that Heavenly Father gave us all those years ago. The gift of His son Jesus Christ started in a manger and ended with His Sacrifice for us. Jesus gave us the Gift of his life!! He set the perfect example by the way He lived His life. He was the gift when at the end of His mortal life he sacrificed and gave his life so each and everyone of us could repent. If we embrace the Savior and follow his example we can and will be able to come back and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus forever. I believe there is no better way for each of us to celebrate Christmas than to take advantage of the Gift given by our Heavenly Father to each of us. Elder Nelson said "Christmas is a time of reflection on what we can become because of God’s sacred gift. As we discover the gift, we learn of the immeasurable love of God and our absolute need for a Savior. As we embrace the gift, we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and our desire to become more like Him. As we share the gift, we follow in the Master’s footsteps, who invited all to hear His message."(Ensign, Dec. 2014) I invite all of you to take advantage of this Christmastime and reflect on the perfect Gift that was given. I know God loves each one of and that He wants each one of us to be happy! That is why He gave us the Savior. The Savior lives and loves Each one of us! He can help us through anything and is always there for us!!!! Discover, Embrace and Share the Gift of His Life and Love!!
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